Appreciate your loved ones before it's too late

Lovesermon Team
Appreciate your loved ones before it's too late
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Life is unpredictable, and we never know when we might lose someone we love. It's easy to take our loved ones for granted, assuming that they'll always be there for us. 

However, the truth is that nothing is certain in life, and we never know what the future holds. That's why it's essential to appreciate your loved ones while you still can. Here are some ideas on how to do just that.

1. The Importance of Expressing Your Gratitude

It's easy to assume that our loved ones know how much we appreciate them, but sometimes it's not enough to assume. We need to express our gratitude verbally or through acts of kindness. 

Telling your loved ones how much they mean to you, and never waiting for a special occasion to do so is a very good attitude. Most people feel valued when appreciated that's why it's important to appreciate them in any possible way.

Make it a habit to thank them for even the smallest things they do for you. Expressing gratitude can improve your relationship with your loved ones, and it helps them feel cherished.

Making Time for Your Loved Ones

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget to
make time for our loved ones. It's good to make time and work hard for yourself but not to the extent of forgetting those that are sacrificing their resources to support you.

If you forget your loved ones and prioritize yourself, they might be disappointed and heartbroken by your actions which might in return keep them separated from you. Remember that you need your loved ones too.

So make a conscious effort to spend quality time with them, whether it's through regular phone calls or in-person visits. Make it a priority to do things together that you both enjoy, such as going on a hike, seeing a movie, or sharing a meal. 

Spending time together strengthens your bond and shows your loved ones that you care about their presence.

Also never forget some little actions like buying them a gift, calling them and wishing them a happy birthday, and putting their photos on your social media profiles and statuses; it says a lot nowadays.

Saying "I Love You" More Often

Saying "I love you" may feel awkward or uncomfortable for some people, but it's essential to let your loved ones know how you feel. Don't be intimated by this because love is not only for girlfriends or just for your wife; you can spread love everywhere for a positive environment.

Never assume that your loved ones know how you feel about them; instead, say it out loud, express it through text messages, and remind them about how they've changed your life for the better. 

Make it a habit to tell them that you love them at least once a day, whether it's through a text message or in person. Hearing those words can brighten up their day and show them that you care.

Creating Memories Together

Memories are priceless, and creating them with your loved ones is one of the best things you can do. Plan special events or activities that you can all enjoy together, like a vacation or a family outing.

Take lots of pictures and videos, so you can look back on those moments and reminisce in the future. Creating memories strengthens your bond and helps you appreciate your loved ones even more.

Forgiving and Letting Go of Grudges

No one has ever been perfect; you'll sometimes get offended by others and that's natural and also happens in romantic relationships. Let's forgive!

Holding onto grudges can damage relationships and prevent us from appreciating our loved ones. If someone has wronged you, forgive them, and let go of any negative feelings you may have towards them. 

Holding onto anger or resentment doesn't benefit anyone, and it only causes more pain. Forgiving someone can bring you closer together and help you appreciate your relationship with them.

If you're families just know that it was God that brought you together by uniting you with love.


Appreciating your loved ones isn't just about saying "thank you" or "I love you." It's about making time for them, creating memories together, forgiving any past wrongs, and being present to help them in times of trouble.

Remember that life is unpredictable, and we never know what the future holds that's why we have to share and show our loved ones that we care about them when they're alive with us. 

Don't wait until it's too late to show your loved ones how much you care. Make an effort to appreciate them today and every day.


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