7 Things That Happen When God Wants You With Someone

Lovesermon Team

When it comes to finding true love, many people turn to faith and divine intervention to guide them on their journey.

If you're someone who believes that God has a plan for your love life, then you know that finding your soul mate is about more than just luck or coincidence.

In this article, we'll explore seven things that happen when God wants you with someone.

1. A Sense of Peace

When God wants you with someone, you'll feel a sense of peace and calmness in their presence plus different feelings that show they are the right person for your heart.

You won't feel anxious or uncertain about the relationship even in tough times, and during misunderstandings because you'll know that it's meant to be.

2. Divine Timing

God's timing is always perfect, and when He wants you with someone, He'll make sure that you meet them at the right time. 

You may have to go through some challenges and obstacles along the way, but everything will fall into place when the time is right.

3. A Feeling of Wholeness

Your soul mate is someone who complements you and makes you feel whole. When God wants you with someone, you'll feel a deep sense of fullness and contentment in their presence.

4. Clear Signs and Confirmations

God will provide you with clear signs and confirmations that you're meant to be with someone. These signs may come in the form of a feeling in your heart, a dream, or even a message from a friend or loved one.

5. Growth and Transformation

When God wants you with someone, the relationship will be a source of growth and transformation for both of you. 

You'll help each other become the best versions of yourselves and support each other on your journey of self-discovery.

6. Unconditional Love

True love is unconditional, and when God wants you with someone, you'll experience a love that is pure and persistent with a very strong connection

Your soul mate will love you for who you are, flaws and all, and you'll do the same for them.

7. A Feeling of Gratitude

Finally, when God wants you with someone, you'll feel a deep sense of gratitude for the relationship. You'll know that it's a gift from God and that you're blessed to have found someone who loves and accepts you for who you are.

In conclusion

When God wants you with someone, you'll experience a sense of peace, divine timing, wholeness, clear signs and confirmations, growth and transformation, unconditional love, and a feeling of gratitude.

These are all signs that you're on the right path and that your relationship is part of God's plan for your life. Trust in God's timing and guidance, and you'll find the love that you're looking for.

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